Training References

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Phase 1

Almeida, A.K., Macedo, S.M., & Sousa, M.B. (2020). A systematic review of somatic intervention treatments in PTSD: Does Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) have the potential to be a suitable choice? Estudos de Psicologia.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


Anderegg, J. (2015). Effective treatments for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal for Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy Science, and Psychological Medicine.


Anderson, F.G. (2021). Transcending trauma: Healing complex PTSD with internal family systems. Claire, WI: PESI Publishing.

Anna Andaházy (2019) Tuning of the self: in-session somatic support for vicarious trauma-related countertransference, Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 14:1, 41-57, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2019.1577758


Baker, B, Baker J. (2020). Socratic Wisdom. D5AI LLC.


Bartolomeo, F. (2020) Neurobiology for Clinical Social Work: Theory and Practice (2nd ed.), Social Work With Groups, 43:3, 278-280, DOI: 10.1080/01609513.2019.1568727


Bolis D, Schilbach L. 2020 ‘I interact therefore I am’: the self as a historical product of dialectical attunement. Topoi 39, 521-534. (doi:10.1007/s11245-018-9574-0)


Borelli, J. L., Sohn, L., Wang, B. A., Hong, K., DeCoste, C., & Suchman, N. E. (2019). Therapist–client language matching: Initial promise as a measure of therapist–client relationship quality. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(1), 9–18.


Bourne, C., Mackay, C., & Holmes, E. (2013). The neural basis of flashback formation: The impact of viewing trauma. Psychological Medicine, 43(7), 1521-1532. doi:10.1017/S0033291712002358


Bracha HS. Freeze, flight, fight, fright, faint: adaptationist perspectives on the acute stress response spectrum. CNS Spectr. 2004 Sep;9(9):679-85. doi: 10.1017/s1092852900001954. PMID: 15337864.


Bremner, J.D., Wittbrodt, M. (2020). Chapter One - Stress, the brain, and trauma spectrum disorders. International Review of Neurobiology, Academic Press. 152:1-22.


Brom, D., Stokar, Y., Lawi, C., Nuriel-Porat, V., Ziv, Y., Lerner, K., & Ross, G. (2017). Somatic Experiencing for posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled outcome study. Journal of Traumatic Stress30, 304–312.


Brown, R., Bligh, T., Garden, J. (2021). The Hebb Synapse Before Hebb: Theories of Synaptic Function in Learning and Memory Before Hebb (1949), With a Discussion of the Long-Lost Synaptic Theory of William McDougall. Front. Beh. Neurosci., Sec. Learning and Memory, Vol. 15.


Cacioppo, J. T., & Berntson, G. G. (2011). The brain, homeostasis, and health: Balancing demands of the internal and external milieu. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of health psychology (pp. 121–137). Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0006


Caria, A. (2020). Mesocorticolimbic Interactions Mediate fMRI-Guided Regulation of Self-Generated Affective States. Brain Sciences, 10(4), 223.


Cavicchioli, M., Scalabrini, A., Northoff, G., Mucci, C., Ogliari, A., Maffei, C. (2021). Dissociation and emotion regulation strategies: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 143: 370-387.


Chris R. Brewin (2015) Re-experiencing traumatic events in PTSD: new avenues in research on intrusive memories and flashbacks, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6:1, DOI: 10.3402/ejpt.v6.27180


Cloitre, M., Courtois, C.A., Charuvastra, A., Carapezza, R., Stolbach, B.C. & Green, B.L. (2011). Treatment of complex PTSD: Results of the ISTSS expert clinician survey on best practices. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24, 615-627.


Cloitre, M., Stovall-McClough, K. C., Miranda, R., & Chemtob, C. M. (2004). Therapeutic alliance, negative mood regulation, and treatment outcome in child abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology72(3), 411–416.


Corrigan, F., & Hull, A. (2015). Neglect of the complex: Why psychotherapy for post-traumatic clinical presentations is often ineffective. BJPsych Bulletin, 39(2), 86-89. 


Corrigan, F. & Grand, D. (2013). Brainspotting: Recruiting the midbrain for accessing and healing sensorimotor memories of traumatic activation. Medical Hypotheses, 80, 759-766. 


Corrigan, F., Grand, D., & Raju, R. (2015). Brainspotting: Sustained attention, spinothalamic tracts, thalamocortical processing, and the healing of adaptive orientation truncated by traumatic experience. Medical Hypotheses, 84, 384-394. 


Courtois, C. A., & Brown, L. S. (2019). Guideline orthodoxy and resulting limitations of the American Psychological Association’s Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD in Adults. Psychotherapy, 56(3), 329-339. 


D'Antoni, F., Matiz, A., Fabbro, F., & Crescentini, C. (2022). Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Distressing Memories: A Comparative Study between EMDR, Brainspotting, and Body Scan Meditation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1142. Retrieved from 


D’Antoni, F. (2021). Brainspotting reduces disturbance and increases Heart Rate Variability linked to distressing memories : A pilot study.


David Blihar, D., Delgado, E., Buryak, M., Gonzalez, M., Waechter, R. (2020). A systematic review of the neuroanatomy of dissociative identity disorder. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. Vol4, I3.


del Monte, D. (2020). Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte.


Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. Viking.


Flückiger, C., Del Re, A. C., Wampold, B. E., & Horvath, A. O. (2018). The alliance in adult psychotherapy: A meta-analytic synthesis. Psychotherapy, 55(4), 316-340. 


Frank, D. W., Dewitt, M., Hudgens-Haney, M., Schaeffer, D. J., Ball, B. H., Schwarz, N. F., Hussein, A. A., Smart, L. M., & Sabatinelli, D. (2014). Emotion regulation: quantitative meta-analysis of functional activation and deactivation. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews45, 202–211. 


Giovanni. Trataka Meditation: Still Eyes, Still Mind.


Grand, D. International Brainspotting Association. (2014). Code of ethics and standards of Professional Practice. Retrieved from 


Gu, X., Luo, W., Zhao, X., Chen, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhou, J., Zeng, X., Yan, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Lv, J., Lang, Y., Wang, Z., Gao, C., Jiang, Y., & Li, R. (2022). The effects of loving-kindness and compassion meditation on life satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Applied psychology. Health and well-being14(3), 1081–1101. 


Harrewijn, A., Cardinale, E.M., Groenewold, N.A. et al. Cortical and subcortical brain structure in generalized anxiety disorder: findings from 28 research sites in the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group. Transl Psychiatry 11, 502 (2021).


Harricharan, S., Nicholson, A. A., Thome, J., Densmore, M., McKinnon, M. C., Théberge, J., Frewen, P. A., Neufeld, R. W. J., & Lanius, R. A. (2020). PTSD and its dissociative subtype through the lens of the insula: Anterior and posterior insula resting‐state functional connectivity and its predictive validity using machine learning. Psychophysiology, 57(1). 


Harvard Health Publishing (2020). Understanding the stress response, Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health. Harvard Health Publishing.


Hatfield E, Rapson RL, Le YCL. 2011 Emotional contagion and empathy. In The social neuroscience of empathy, vol. 19 (eds Decety J, Ickes W), pp. 19-30. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


Håvås, E., Svartberg, M., & Ulvenes, P. (2015). Attuning to the unspoken: The relationship between therapist nonverbal attunement and attachment security in adult psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32(2), 235–254. 


Hildebrand, A., Grand, D., & Stemmler, M. (2017).  Brainspotting – the efficacy of a new therapy approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in comparison to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 5(1). Retrieved from 


Hull, A., Corrigan, F. (2019). The Comprehensive Resource Model: Overview of basic affects in adversity & effective treatment for complex reactions to trauma. BACP: Counseling & Psychotherapy Research – Trauma Focused Therapies. Vol 19. Pgs 130-137.


Huntjens, R. J. C., Dorahy, M. M. J., Read, D., Middleton, W., & van Minnen, A. (2023). The Dissociation-Related Beliefs About Memory Questionnaire (DBMQ): Development and psychometric properties. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 15(1), 173–180.


Kashihara, K. (2020). Microsaccadic modulation evoked by emotional events. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 39 (26). 


Katsumi, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, D. et al. (2023). Correspondence of functional connectivity gradients across human isocortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus. Commun Biol 6, 401.


Kliethermes, M., Schacht, M., Drewry, K. (2014). Complex Trauma. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Volume 23, Issue 2, P339-361.


Koban L, Ramamoorthy A, Konvalinka I. 2019 Why do we fall into sync with others? Interpersonal synchronization and the brain's optimization principle. Soc. Neurosci. 14, 1-9. (doi:10.1080/17470919.2017.1400463


Kok, B. E., Coffey, K. A., Cohn, M. A., Catalino, L. I., Vacharkulksemsuk, T., Algoe, S. B., Brantley, M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2013). How positive emotions build physical health: perceived positive social connections account for the upward spiral between positive emotions and vagal tone. Psychological science24(7), 1123–1132. 


Kumar, A., Pramanik, J., Goyal, N., Chauhan, D., Sivamaruthi, B. S., Prajapati, B. G., & Chaiyasut, C. (2023). Gut Microbiota in Anxiety and Depression: Unveiling the Relationships and Management Options. Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)16(4), 565.


Lam LCW, Lee ATC, Cheng ST, Yip BHK, Chan WC, Fung AWT, Ma SL, Cheng CPW, Kong R, Chiu HTS, Lai FHY, Wong SYS. Mindfulness Awareness Is Associated With a Lower Risk of Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults With Neurocognitive Disorders. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 21;12:721583. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.721583.


Lane, R. D., Subic-Wrana, C., Greenberg, L., & Yovel, I. (2022). The role of enhanced emotional awareness in promoting change across psychotherapy modalities. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 32(2), 131–150.


Lazarus, R. (2020). How Does the Eye Work? Optometrists Network.


London, A., Benhar, I. & Schwartz, M. (2013). The retina as a window to the brain—from eye research to CNS disorders. Nat Rev Neurol 9, 44–53.


Lynn, S., Maxwell, R., Merckelbach, H., Lilienfeld, S., van Heugten-van der Kloet, D., Miskovic, V. (2019). Dissociation and its disorders: Competing models, future directions, and a way forward. Clinical Psychology Review. Vol73.


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Masson, J., Bernoussi, A, & Moukouta, C.S. (2017). Brainspotting therapy: About a Bataclan victim. Global Journal of Health Science, 9(7). Retrieved from 


Mulckhuyse, M. (2018). The influence of emotional stimuli on the oculomotor system: A review of the literature. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, 411–425. 


Myrick, A.C., Brand, B.L. (2016). Dissociation, Dissociative Disorders, and PTSD. In: Martin, C., Preedy, V., Patel, V. (eds) Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. Springer, Cham.


Nakamura, H. A., Tawatsuji, Y. B., Siyuan Fang, S. B., & Matsui, T. (2021). Explanation of emotion regulation mechanism of mindfulness using a brain function model. Neural Networks, 138, 198-214. 


Nakano, T., Kato, M., Morito, Y., Itoi, S., & Kitazawa, S. (2013). Blink-related momentary activation of the default mode network while viewing videos. PNAS, 110 (2) 702-706 


Newton Sandy Hook Community Foundation, I. (2016). Report of Findings from the Community Survey September 2016. Newton: Newton Sandy Hook Community Foundation, INC.


Nicholson, A. A., Friston, K. J., Zeidman, P., Harricharan, S., McKinnon, M. C., Densmore, M., Neufeld, R. W., Théberge J, Corrigan, F., Jetly, R., Spiegel D., & Lanius, R. A. (2017). Dynamic causal modeling in PTSD and its dissociative subtype: Bottom-up versus top-down processing within fear and emotion regulation circuitry. Human Brain Mapping, 38(11), 5551-5561. 


Ningrum, D. (2022). Efficacy of Brainspotting Therapy for the Treatment of Tantrum in Young Children. Child Education Journal.


Ogden, P., & Fisher, J. (2015). Sensorimotor psychotherapy: Interventions for trauma and attachment. (D. Del Hierro & A. Del Hierro, Illustrators). W W Norton & Co.


Omeragić, I., & Hasanovic, M.I. (2021). Efficacy of EMDR Treatment in Generalized Anxiety Disorder after a Long-Standing Pharmacological Treatment - A Case Report. Psychiatria Danubina, 33 Suppl 1, 77-82.


Palsimon, Jr., T. (2022). The preliminary efficacy and clinical applicability of Brainspotting among Filipino women with severe posttraumatic stress disorder. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.


Patrícia FM, José FP, de F, & Marcelo M (2015). Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder as a Dissociative Trauma Related Condition Treated with Brainspotting – A Successful Case Report. Int J Sch Cog Psychol, S1(002). Retrieved from


Payne, P., Levine, P. A., & Crane-Godreau, M. A. (2015). Corrigendum: Somatic Experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy. Frontiers in psychology6, 423.


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Porges, S. (2017). Brain-Body Connections. Neuroscience, Volume 5, 4. Available at:


Pradip C, Ashish R, Kinjal J, Simmi M. (2021). The Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex. Cerebral Ischemia. Brisbane (AU): Exon Publications.


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Price, R.B., Duman, R. Neuroplasticity in cognitive and psychological mechanisms of depression: an integrative model. Mol Psychiatry 25, 530–543 (2020).


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Rocco, D., Gennaro, A., Salvatore, S., Stoycheva, V., & Bucci, W. (2017) Clinical mutual attunement and the development of therapeutic process: A preliminary study. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 30(4), 371-387. 


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Phase 2

Aas, M., Ueland, T., Inova, A., Melle, I., Andreassen, O. A., & Steen, N. E. (2020). Childhood Trauma Is Nominally Associated With Elevated Cortisol Metabolism in Severe Mental Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry11, 391.


Almeida, A.K., Macedo, S.M., & Sousa, M.B. (2020). A systematic review of somatic intervention treatments in PTSD: Does Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) have the potential to be a suitable choice? Estudos de Psicologia.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


Anderegg, J. (2015). Effective treatments for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal for Psychotraumatology, Psychotherapy Science, and Psychological Medicine.


Baker, B, Baker J. (2020). Socratic Wisdom. D5AI LLC.


Bartolomeo, F. (2020) Neurobiology for Clinical Social Work: Theory and Practice (2nd ed.), Social Work With Groups, 43:3, 278-280, DOI: 10.1080/01609513.2019.1568727


Bonanno, G., Dekel, S., Ein-Dor, T., Rosen, J. (2017). Differences in Cortisol Response to Trauma Activation in Individuals with and without Comorbid PTSD and Depression. Front. Psychol., Sec. Psychopathology, Vol 8. 


Borelli, J. L., Sohn, L., Wang, B. A., Hong, K., DeCoste, C., & Suchman, N. E. (2019). Therapist–client language matching: Initial promise as a measure of therapist–client relationship quality. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(1), 9–18.


Bourne, C., Mackay, C., & Holmes, E. (2013). The neural basis of flashback formation: The impact of viewing trauma. Psychological Medicine, 43(7), 1521-1532. doi:10.1017/S0033291712002358


Bracha HS. Freeze, flight, fight, fright, faint: adaptationist perspectives on the acute stress response spectrum. CNS Spectr. 2004 Sep;9(9):679-85. doi: 10.1017/s1092852900001954. PMID: 15337864.


Bremner, J.D., Wittbrodt, M. (2020). Chapter One - Stress, the brain, and trauma spectrum disorders. International Review of Neurobiology, Academic Press. 152:1-22.


Brom, D., Stokar, Y., Lawi, C., Nuriel-Porat, V., Ziv, Y., Lerner, K., & Ross, G. (2017). Somatic Experiencing for posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled outcome study. Journal of Traumatic Stress30, 304–312.


Cacioppo, J. T., & Berntson, G. G. (2011). The brain, homeostasis, and health: Balancing demands of the internal and external milieu. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of health psychology (pp. 121–137). Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195342819.013.0006


Caria, A. (2020). Mesocorticolimbic Interactions Mediate fMRI-Guided Regulation of Self-Generated Affective States. Brain Sciences, 10(4), 223.


Chris R. Brewin (2015) Re-experiencing traumatic events in PTSD: new avenues in research on intrusive memories and flashbacks, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 6:1, DOI: 10.3402/ejpt.v6.27180


Cloitre, M., Courtois, C.A., Charuvastra, A., Carapezza, R., Stolbach, B.C. & Green, B.L. (2011). Treatment of complex PTSD: Results of the ISTSS expert clinician survey on best practices. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24, 615-627.


Cloitre, M., Stovall-McClough, K. C., Miranda, R., & Chemtob, C. M. (2004). Therapeutic alliance, negative mood regulation, and treatment outcome in child abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology72(3), 411–416.


Corrigan, F. & Grand, D. (2013). Brainspotting: Recruiting the midbrain for accessing and healing sensorimotor memories of traumatic activation. Medical Hypotheses, 80, 759-766.


Corrigan, F., Grand, D., & Raju, R. (2015). Brainspotting: Sustained attention, spinothalamic tracts, thalamocortical processing, and the healing of adaptive orientation truncated by traumatic experience. Medical Hypotheses, 84, 384-394.


Corrigan, F., & Hull, A. (2015). Neglect of the complex: Why psychotherapy for post-traumatic clinical presentations is often ineffective. BJPsych Bulletin, 39(2), 86-89.


Courtois, C. A., & Brown, L. S. (2019). Guideline orthodoxy and resulting limitations of the American Psychological Association’s Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD in Adults. Psychotherapy, 56(3), 329-339.


D'Antoni, F., Matiz, A., Fabbro, F., & Crescentini, C. (2022). Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Distressing Memories: A Comparative Study between EMDR, Brainspotting, and Body Scan Meditation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1142. Retrieved from 


D’Antoni, F. (2021). Brainspotting reduces disturbance and increases heart rate variability linked to distressing memories : A pilot study.


del Monte, D. (2020). Dr. Dr. Damir del Monte.


Doidge, N. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. Viking.


Dombeck, M. (N.D). Chronic cortisol exposure causes mood disorders. Mental Help. Retrieved April 15, 2022 from:

Flückiger, C., Del Re, A. C., Wampold, B. E., & Horvath, A. O. (2018). The alliance in adult psychotherapy: A meta-analytic synthesis. Psychotherapy, 55(4), 316-340.


Frank, D. W., Dewitt, M., Hudgens-Haney, M., Schaeffer, D. J., Ball, B. H., Schwarz, N. F., Hussein, A. A., Smart, L. M., & Sabatinelli, D. (2014). Emotion regulation: quantitative meta-analysis of functional activation and deactivation. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews45, 202–211. 


Giovanni. Trataka Meditation: Still Eyes, Still Mind.


Grand, D. International Brainspotting Association. (2014). Code of ethics and standards of Professional Practice. Retrieved from 


Gu, X., Luo, W., Zhao, X., Chen, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhou, J., Zeng, X., Yan, L., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Lv, J., Lang, Y., Wang, Z., Gao, C., Jiang, Y., & Li, R. (2022). The effects of loving-kindness and compassion meditation on life satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Applied psychology. Health and well-being14(3), 1081–1101. 


Harricharan, S., Nicholson, A. A., Thome, J., Densmore, M., McKinnon, M. C., Théberge, J., Frewen, P. A., Neufeld, R. W. J., & Lanius, R. A. (2020). PTSD and its dissociative subtype through the lens of the insula: Anterior and posterior insula resting‐state functional connectivity and its predictive validity using machine learning. Psychophysiology, 57(1).


Harvard Health Publishing (2020). Understanding the stress response, Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health. Harvard Health Publishing.


Hatfield E, Rapson RL, Le YCL. 2011 Emotional contagion and empathy. In The social neuroscience of empathy, vol. 19 (eds Decety J, Ickes W), pp. 19-30. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


Håvås, E., Svartberg, M., & Ulvenes, P. (2015). Attuning to the unspoken: The relationship between therapist nonverbal attunement and attachment security in adult psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32(2), 235–254.


Hildebrand, A., Grand, D., & Stemmler, M. (2017).  Brainspotting – the efficacy of a new therapy approach for the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in comparison to Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 5(1). Retrieved from


Hull, A., Corrigan, F. (2019). The Comprehensive Resource Model: Overview of basic affects in adversity & effective treatment for complex reactions to trauma. BACP: Counseling & Psychotherapy Research – Trauma Focused Therapies. Vol 19. Pgs 130-137.


Kashihara, K. (2020). Microsaccadic modulation evoked by emotional events. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 39 (26).


Katsumi, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, D. et al. (2023). Correspondence of functional connectivity gradients across human isocortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus. Commun Biol 6, 401.


Kliethermes, M., Schacht, M., Drewry, K. (2014). Complex Trauma. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Volume 23, Issue 2, P339-361.


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