How to do BSP Intensive Information

Welcome to our "How to do a Brainspotting Intensive" resource page. Click on the icon next to the text to download each item. Items are updated before each class, but may be added to or revised during class.
Please remember that you only have 90 days to access this material, so please be sure to do so in that time frame and to save it in a safe place. These materials are also in the online portal that you were/will be given access to.

PCL-5 Trauma Scale
Trauma Tracking Form List of Triggers
Intensive Paperwork for Individuals Intensive Paperwork for Couples Brainspotting Principles
Expansion Brainspotting Language Trauma Slides
How to Make Stone Pointers Brainspotting Consultants "Davidisms"

Music Resource Links

Free YouTube Videos with Bilateral Music:


    ​Other Music Sources (not free)

    •  David Grand also has music on Spotify and Apple Music for those with subscriptions to those services. 


    Brainspotting Resource Videos