July '24 - Fireworks: Taming your triggers with Brainspotting

July '24 - Fireworks: Taming your triggers with Brainspotting

Happy 4 th of July everyone!
I want to talk about fireworks and how triggering the sound of them can be for our veterans.
We have all heard about veterans coming back home and diving for cover with the sounds of
fireworks that sound so much like enemy fire.
The truth is every single one of us has “fireworks” or triggers in our lives. A trigger is defined as
an instance when you become physically and emotionally reactive to something that relates to
something disturbing or traumatic from your past. It can be a specific sound, smell or sight. I
often explain triggers to my clients as the things that cause a gross overreaction in current time.
Some common triggers are:
● Feeling anxiety and despair when feeling abandoned or rejected (Those neglected in
● Terror when dealing with someone who is raging (Domestic Violence and abuse
● Fear during intimacy for sexual abuse survivors
● Over the top financial control and worry for those who grew up in poverty
● Fear of driving for those who have been in car accidents
● Witnessing violence for those who have been victimized
● Shutting down when being criticized or insulted (Emotional abuse survivors)
No matter what your triggers are, talk therapy cannot eradicate them. The primitive brain is
where the triggers emanate from. Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic modality that tames
the triggers quickly and permanently because it accesses the deeper regions of the brain where
trauma is stored.
If you would like to learn more about Brainspotting, come to my free Trauma Mama Hour to
learn about taming your triggers, and your client’s, through Brainspotting. Please join me
Tuesday, July 16 th at from 12:00 noon to 1:15pm on Zoom.
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