What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a type of psychotherapy developed by Dr. David Grand to break through the barriers of trauma in a way that traditional talk therapy cannot. Targeting the parts of the brain where trauma is stored, this powerful, focused treatment allows clients to transform debilitating memories and negative beliefs surrounding a traumatic incident. By identifying, processing, and releasing core neuro-physiological sources of emotional and physical pain as well as coping mechanisms associated with PTSD, clients are able to channel the healthy “head” knowledge they possess underneath their traumatic experiences.
"I have searched far and wide for the most powerful and effective treatments for emotional trauma. The results I have experienced with my clients have been so fast and transformative for them that I have devoted my life to the mission of educating the public and treating those who suffer from emotional trauma with the best treatment modalities available. As a therapist who spent years doing Cognitive-Behaviorial or "talk therapy", I am amazed at how fast and deeply most clients heal with these phenomenal trauma therapies."